Upcoming Novels

Summary for Deztined: In this inspiring story “Deztined” , we follow the extraordinary life of a girl named Deztinee, originally born under the name Tomeka Brousard who, in the most unlikely circumstances came into the world in the confines of a prison, to a mother ensnared by addiction. Adopted as a baby and given a new identity to protect her from her mother’s shadow, Deztinee’s life was marked by struggle and adversity. She faced mental health battles, fought against the allure of drugs, gang life and teetered on the brink of despair, surviving many attempts of suicide and enduring challenges most adults would never believe. However, one day a twist of fate ignited a spark of curiosity in Deztinee’s heart, leading her down a path of spiritual discovery. But little did she know that this newfound interest would become the beacon of her transformation.

Deztinee blossomed into an activist, author, filmmaker, and even became the CEO of her own film production company. Her poetic soul flourished, and she was able to leave the dangerous life of her past behind. But one fateful day, a heated argument with her adoptive mother altered the course of her life yet again. Cast out of her home, Deztinee found herself thrust into the harsh realities of adulthood. Living in a hotel for eight grueling months, she faced hunger, abandonment and countless challenges, testing her resilience once more. Then, news of Deztinee’s homelessness spread, and the family she never knew she had – the birth family she had believed to be aunts all her life – emerged to claim her as their own. They took her in, offering a newfound sense of belonging and security. As her life stabilized, Deztinee secured a book and film deals, but her story isn’t over just yet. Sharing her remarkable story with the world. Her journey into spirituality had made her exceptionally wise, almost akin to a philosopher.

Yet, she never abandoned the essence of her roots, expertly balancing the facets of her past life with the inspiring transformation she had undergone. Follow Deztinee as we read her inspiring testimony of the power of spirituality, the refusal to be a product of one’s environment, and the enduring strength of the human spirit. THIS is Deztined.